If increased scientific understanding of the autistic unemployment phenomenon could be realized, potentially positive implications to society could result in: (a) improved individual, familial, and societal economies; (b) improved quality of life and health factors for autistics and every individual they are related to and / or interact with; and (c) improved organizational performance. Thus, it is imperative that we gain insight into beliefs that may be influencing hiring decisions relative to these individuals.

A 100% anonymous survey was designed specifically for the purpose of exploring hiring agents' potential beliefs. From a wide variety of industries, organization type, and geographical location; 212 participants contributed to this research. The most significant finding demonstrated that hiring personnel need mandated inclusion of autistics in organizational diversity policies and practices. Data strongly indicated that hiring agents need assistance overcoming autistic stereotypes and fears of embarrassment. Participants (30%) also requested ongoing comprehensive autistic education for all organizational levels.

Beliefs Influencing Hiring Agents' Selection of Qualified Autistic Candidates

The current calculated unemployment rate for qualified autistic candidates is 83%.

Socio-economic Implications

75% of adults diagnosed with autism are qualified capable potential employees

An excess of 2 million autistics are well trained, skilled, and capable of competitive employment; yet remain unemployed.

Civil Rights Research, Dissemination, and Learning Facilitation

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